A happy consequence of developing an area of expertise and then sticking with it is that after a while, no one remembers when you didn’t know what you were doing. […]
7 O’Clock News / Silent Night
This was the title of a Simon & Garfunkel song, in which they mixed a news broadcast from 1968 over a hauntingly beautiful version of “Silent Night.” I’ve been playing […]
On November 7, 2018, just before midnight, a 28 year old man attacked a country bar in Thousand Oaks, CA, killing 11 people inside plus the first police officer to […]
Crowd Expectations
On September 29, 2018, there was an outdoor festival in Central Park in New York in which nothing bad actually happened. This immediately preceded my participation at the International Festivals […]
Employees Versus Independent Contractors
In belated recognition of Labor Day, when I was not working, I recorded a short video discussion of the distinction between employees versus independent contractors, and several reasons why this […]
Last Night Before the Backstreet Boys
Here is my hot take on the August 18, 2018 incident in Thackerville, Oklahoma that left 14 patrons injured outside a casino which was scheduled to host a general admission […]
It is an amazing thing when a stray comment, almost a throw-away line, causes a lot of other ideas to suddenly form a coherent whole. That happened to me earlier […]
Meet Selena
It is important to attach lofty principles to real people. This is Selena. I met her at a conference I attended last month. She was hired to operate the video […]
Rethinking “Situational Awareness”
I have long been annoyed by the admonition to “See Something, Say Something.” There is ample evidence across time and demographics that most people do neither. See, for example, Amanda […]
Responding to Parkland
I have struggled with what to say about the latest horrific incident in a public accommodation, which, as I write this, is still last week’s Valentine’s Day school massacre in […]