In this Adelman on Venues video, I address four legal questions that seem pretty hot these days.  Caveat: As with most things about coronavirus, subsequent events may quickly pass it by.  Within a few short days, these observations may become irrelevant, wrong, or even absurd.  I try to give you the truth as I understand it, but I have no crystal ball.

Here are the questions I address in today’s video:

  1. Is there a legitimate “liberty” argument to ignore social distancing in public places?
  2. “If I reopen and one of my employees gets sick, what’s my liability?”
  3. “If I book an event and it turns out that my state reopened too soon and we have to cancel again, is that a force majeure event?”
  4. “I keep seeing lawsuits against insurance companies for business interruption coverage?  Do I have a rooting interest in the outcome?”

On behalf of myself and the Event Safety Alliance, let’s try to protect both lives and livelihoods, while recognizing that health and safety must come first.  Stay safe out there.